Cognitive effect on breaking sitting time

Many years ago, I worked with my colleague David Porter at Oxford Brookes on a study looking at the effect of supportive seating systems on attention in children with Cerebral Palsy. Although we never managed to get it published, I felt it was a useful piece of work and we must redo it one day. But It takes a ton of work to get work like this published (The short story? Supportive seating looked like it helps children attend to the task (and get better scores in games! ))

So I’m thrilled to see this research looking at the effect of physical exercise on cognitive function in young people with cerebral palsy out there.…

Big high fives to everyone involved but particularly Dr Shelly Coe, RNutr, FHEA - it’s a great piece of work. Proud to have worked with the team from Oxford Brookes University MOReS group (& other awesome folk like in particular for my bit like Dominika P. ).

If you’re interested, a version of the flanker test that is in the paper is here: (although my personal favorite game that I’ve done for similar work is snap - it’s a bit more fun). Kudos to the team for their hard work in getting this over the line!

Will Wade @willwade